Picture this: You are a .git knight, knee deep in a valley of edits, half-way around a rebase, all is going well as you catch a glimpse of it. There it is, just sitting there mocking you, acting like it belongs. Perhaps an artifact of generation, perhaps a symbol, perhaps a whole other valley of edits. You know one thing: this vileness cannot be included in our pristine tree! Not near anything that is main or master! The problem is, you are not sure where in your path, you last met the formidable .gitignore file.

If this is you, I have good news!

Good News!

Add this nifty shell function to your shell (~/.bash_*whatever*) and you will be off to the jousts in no time!

gitignore () {
  # Verify we are inside a `.git` tree
  git rev-parse

  # Iterate up to either `.git` or a valid `.gitignore` path.
  while [ "$path" != "" ] && [ ! -e "$path/.gitignore" ] && [ ! -d "$path/.git" ]; do

  # We either found a `.git` directory with no `.gitignore` file, or found
  # another valid `.gitignore` up the parent directories. Append to it!
  echo $pattern >> $path/.gitignore
  echo $path/.gitignore


$ gitignore *.o
$ cat .gitignore 
$ mkdir a && cd a
$ gitignore foo*.cpp
$ cat ../.gitignore 